Monday, August 30, 2004
So apparently I've been playing my emulator too much lately. I found myself in traffic the other day wondering where my quicksave key was. Because it had been a good drive to that point, and I didn't want to have to go back and do it over again.

I have no life.
In other news, if you have time to waste you should check out that link. I need to try it with Metroplex, but I find I have eaten all my paste. Bummer.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Yes, I am really this bored. Do you know how many levels there are in Arkanoid? I do-- 33. I am teh winnar!!!

Who the hell is "Vaus"? That's what I really want to know. I mean, shit, that name could seriously keep me up at night. Thank god I never beat this as a kid, or I would have had screaming night terrors about Vaus and his armada of destrucot-cacti or something.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Our pets have drawn lines in the sand. Lucky has become the ground-pounding Commando Dog, charging about head first. He has aligned himself with the small nation of Estrogen, Mrs. 'FUG. The cats have in turn formed a crack ninja feline squadren and are aligned to my nation of Testosteronia. They sneak about, waiting to smack the dog as he walks by, always staying out of his vision. Buckley in particular has taken to sitting on the couch, directly above the dog's head and just out of view. This position gives him and excellent fire vector to rain kitten fury on the head of the unsuspecting, sleeping Lucky. Darwin, when discovered, will shrug and nonchalantly walk away.... Buckly runs, preferring instead to hide himself and lay in wait for the next attack. It's pretty cool to watch one of the cats go from normal size to pufferfish hairball of death, too. My little ninjas are not infallible, however.... Lucky was chaising them after they had conducted a succesful raid on his food dish, and they came barreling through the kitchen. Darwin espcaped, but Buckley ran face first into a chair leg and bounced off. The dog continued onward, and proceeded to come to a screeching halt in the middle of the living room when he realized he was unable to see what he was chasing anymore. Free entertainment.