Monday, December 20, 2004
Well, as promised, here are all the action packed shots from my trip to Dreamland Creations in Stroudsburg, PA. Myke Maldonado was my artist, and he's great. He even let me put on some nice tattooing music-- Therapy?, Gravity Kills, and MuDvAyNe. And now, gentle browser, for the first time ever you can get my scintilating commentary to go along with these breathtaking images!
So here is the first shot. Everyone get a load of 2004's Pasty Whitey of the Year. I'm trying to hunch so he can get the placement of the tattoo right, so no hunchback jokes.
If you've never gotten a tattoo, you may be wondering why the hell the ink is purple. Well, the tattoo artist gets the design finalized (in this case, I did) and applies a Xerox onto the skin to use as a guide. Here he's started the outline, and the pain is pretty non-existent.
Still working on the outline, and I'm pretty much numb from the constant hum of the needle.
First break in the action, and I'm starting to get past the numb into the pain. That little red mark is not some cool scar, just a placemnt guide from when he put the stencil on. It's amazing how quickly you forget this whole process hurts like a bitch.
So quite a while later and the outline is done. Honestly, this part is the worst.... the fill isn't so bad because they use more needles in the gun and it goes a lot quicker. They do, however, bear down a lot more, so the moments of pain arre much more intense.
Again, fast forward an hour or so and the fill is almost complete. Now I'm getting pretty tired (this whole thign took 3 hours) and a little sore/stiff from sitting in the same position for so long. You'd think that having a gov't job would make me used to it, but the lash of my supervisor's whip is a totally diferent feeling than the gun.
Ah, the finished product. A little red and kinda gooopy because of the healing salve that is applied after the end, but looks good. And of course, my tiny little brain is already saying, "Hmmmm, that wasn't too bad. Let's make another appointment."
It's been a little over a week and I'm mostly healed. Although I itch like hell and it feels like there are little tiny elves with poison ivy ice skates tripping the light fandango on my back/shoulder (he touched up the other one I had too). If you ever get ink done, I highly recommend this's clean, with a great staff and good atmosphere. Plus, thier prices are out of this world and Myke (my artist) won't even pick up the gun until he is totally satisfied that the tattooee is happy with the design and location.
That's all kids....hope you enjoyed.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Ok, I'm at home today slacking off from work and watchign an episode of Spin City before starting a long day of KotOR 2. A local commercial comes on for the Cherry Hill Auto Complex, and I am stunned. It's has, in large flashing letters, the words "Your Approved". YOUR approved.
Oh really. My approved WHAT, exactly?
I'm constantly amazed that shit like this slips through...I mean, this is basic third grade grammer....and I see it everywhere. It's not like this is podunkville, where I grew up. This is a major metropolitan area.....and this commercial seemed to have pretty high production values. It really kills me when it comes through a work related e-mail. There is no quicker way to make yourself look like an idiot than to put out an offical memo reading: "Thank you for all of you're support." Instant DQ from el poolo genetico.
Oh, and I'll have tattoo process pics up soon.....maybe tommorow. Like anyone reads this fucking thing anyway. I could call you all horse-gobbling clam herders and be talking to myself. Anyway, on the off chance that someone IS reading this, it's gonna be soon.
And noone shop at the Cherry Hill Auto Complex or I'll hunt you down and tattoo a detailed definition of the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE on YOUR colon with a rusty fish hook.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
So once again, OMFUG is going under the knife. Well, ok, not knife really, just needles. Hundreds of thousands of stab wounds are a'comin....yup, I'm getting my next tattoo this Friday.

So that's what it will look like when it's done. Should take 2 or 3 hours on an incredibly sensative part of the body......I think I'm going to need a very good book and very good music to see me through to the other side this time. I'll llet you all know when it's done and how much it hurt. Which, I assume, will be a lot. My first one didn't really hurt at all, but it was on the fat of my arm so go figure. be delectible little nerves ready to weep in agony at the first stab.
There's somethign seriously fucking wrong with me. But remember kids....pain is temporary, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.